Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years Resolution

I resolve in this new year to live barbarically, to run the back roads, and walk the narrow road. I resolve to run at new intensities both physically and spiritually. I commit to set aside 2 hours a day to dig into the word, pray, and journal. To fast one day a week and whenever the spirit leads. To be faithful in the practical of my room, my house, my grades. I resolve to run at new intensities both physically and spiritually. Begin running marathons and setting up habits that I want to carry through college and into the rest of life. To spend the rest of the time I have in Bend praying for, serving, and loving well my family. I resolve this year to return to my first love, remember from where I have fallen, and do the works I did at first. Rev 2:4-5 Sing unashamed love songs, new songs, and unfinished-unpolished songs of worship. To go back to playing drums and rhythm. Return to the childlike faith and live out the passion that has been muffled and beaten down in the past three years. To love because I have been so wonderfully loved!

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